
Whether you are a new or returning student, 学术资源中心热烈欢迎并鼓励您使用其程序和服务.

位置 & 小时



周一至周五上午9点.m.-6 p.m.
(hours vary by subject area)

上的调度链接 MyUSF门户.
周一至周四上午8点.m.-8 p.m.
星期五,8点.m.-4 p.m.

Assistant Director of the 学术资源中心



学术资源中心(ARC)为学生提供各种机会和支持服务,以发挥他们的潜力并实现他们的目标. 项目 and services are available to enhance learning, 提高技能, and promote success in courses. 在中间, 学生们会发现电脑, 研究艾滋病, 研究表, comfortable spots for reading, and friendly people to offer personalized help. USF通过电话和电子邮件为远程教育学生提供支持, and some tutoring is provided on a number of electronic platforms. All services are provided free of charge.


学术资源中心(ARC)为学生提供学术支持,促进他们的学业成长. The center offers information, 指导, 支持, 以及帮助学生成功实现其教育目标的服务. Aware of the in在这里nt worth of all individuals, the center encourages students to recognize, 开发, and strengthen their diverse talents, 技能, 和力量.


补充指导(SI)是一个提供定期审查的程序, 讨论, 研究策略, and exam preparation for historically difficult courses. Each session is guided by an SI leader, a student who has been successful in the course, knows what the professor expects, 并能帮助你成功!


  • 非正式小组
  • Increased understanding of course material
  • Stronger and more effective 研究策略
  • Higher grades, on average, than students who do not participate in SI
  • Higher graduation rates than non-participants

SI是为SI指定班级的任何学生提供的,他们希望提高对课程材料的理解并提高他们的成绩! 细节会在第一周的课堂上公布,并且随时可以在ARC和 MyUSF门户.

  • 学术资源中心为所有学生提供免费辅导. 学生每学期的访问次数没有限制, 但辅导课程通常限制在一个小时内,以最大限度地发挥导师和学生的努力.  一些辅导在中心有固定的时间,而其他科目则是预约的.  By appointment tutoring can either be face to face or online. 看到 MyUSF门户 for a complete and up to date schedule for all tutors, as well as directions for scheduling an appointment. 如果您对辅导有任何疑问,请联系阿曼达·波斯顿 aposton@dainikbarta.net

  • 还记得, 所有学生都被鼓励在他们学术生涯的各个方面利用资源,以最大限度地提高他们在课程中的成功. Tutoring can be utilized when an entire course is difficult, 只是一个概念是模糊的, 或者当学生在进行项目或作业之前需要对他们的进度和工作进行反馈时. 在写作方面寻求帮助的学生可以在写作过程的各个阶段寻求帮助——完整的草稿是没有必要的!

  • Because our center is focused on promoting independent learners, 学术资源中心的导师在课程内容和学习习惯方面为学生提供帮助.  All the tutors on staff are CRLA trained peer tutors.  The center itself is CRLA certified to grant tutors Level 1 (Tutor), 二级(高级导师), and Level 3 (Master Tutor) certifications.  达到3级的导师已经经过了30个小时的培训,完成了150个小时的辅导.


阿曼达Poston, Assistant Director of the ARC, is a USF alumna, having received her M.S. Reading Specialist degree from the university. 自2019年以来,她一直是USF教育学院的兼职教授,并担任了15年的小学教师. 阿曼达喜欢旅行,她正在努力增加她去过的12个国家的名单. 她还喜欢与丈夫、三个女儿和五只宠物共度时光!

The ARC serves students who…

  • 希望辅导
  • 看到k new techniques for learning
  • Have questions about studying
  • 正在准备考试
  • 寻找学习辅助工具
  • 想要好成绩
  • Need new approaches to material and fresh study habits


辅导是完全免费的. 你可以在一个学期里来很多次,选修很多不同的科目.

Some subjects are by appointment, and some are walk-in. 如果你想找临时科目的辅导,比如写作、数学和科学,你可以看课程表(在这里) and just “walk in” when you are free.  Keep in mind that for walk-ins, 这是先来的, first served approach so manage your time effectively.  Science and math can tutor multiple students at once, 所以,如果你看到别人已经在工作,不要认为他们太忙了.  总是问.  要预约我们的其他导师,请使用导师配对服务.  Complete instructions are available in 门户.  When you set the appointment, make sure to include:

  • 你的名字
  • The class you want tutoring for
  • What kind of topic you want tutoring for
  • How long you’d like to meet (30 minutes or an hour?)
  • All of the times you have that they could pick from

 导师会跟你打招呼,问你想在这节课上做什么,你们会一起设定一些目标, create a short agenda and get to work. 辅导是一种协作服务,所以你应该期待真正的参与.  You might even talk more than the tutor—that’s a good thing! You might look at books, search things online, or go over your notes.  What you do in a session will be determined by you and the tutor.  如果你想用不同的材料或不同的方式解释某件事,尽管问. 在辅导课程结束时,你会被问到你的800号码,这样我们就可以记录下整个课程. 在一周结束的时候,你会收到一封电子邮件,要求你完成一份评估.  This helps us assess how we’re doing.

ARC使用登录信息来评估我们在校园内满足学生支持需求的程度. 你所要做的就是把你的800号码和你想要帮助的课程提供给导师.  如果您不确定这些信息,您可以在门户网站中找到全部信息.

Tutoring is available in the 学术资源中心, Tower Hall N316.

带上你的笔记, 你的教科书, your login information for any online reading/notes, and some questions you have for the tutor. 你在会议开始前越有条理,会议的效率就越高.  Because every student is different, 如果你说“第二章”这么宽泛的话,导师不可能知道你可能需要什么帮助。.  而不是, mark things that you want to make sure you understand correctly, or things you don’t understand at all.

辅导是所有学生的事. We have students visit the center who want to make sure they get the A, students who want to move up a grade, students who need to move up  a few grades, students who don’t understand a small portion, 还有那些对某些东西生疏的学生,因为他们已经有一段时间没有理解了.  No matter who you are, you can benefit from tutoring.  In fact, many of our tutors use each other for their other courses!

A list of our current tutors and their information can be found on the MyUSF门户, but t在这里 are some truths about our tutors, regardless of who they are. All of our tutors are current students 在这里 at USF, and they’ve all been recommended by faculty for that subject area. 每位导师都要经过大学阅读与学习协会规定的培训,每年必须参加10小时的培训.

因为他们是同侪导师, 有可能你的问题太复杂了,应该由教授来回答. 不要气馁!  The tutor will always try to help you understand the material, but they also don’t want to give misinformation.

不能指望导师们随身携带他们上过的所有课程的所有书籍和笔记——那将是一个大背包! 有时, 太, 信息的变化, 很重要的一点是,你和导师要有教授目前正在讲的内容作为参考. While tutors know the content well enough to help with material, 他们不像你的教授那样是专家,有时需要验证他们是否正确地记住了事情.